Chicago South Works
Sounds of Chicago
assignment for the MSc Thesis is the design of an urban plan and
architectural fragment within the neighbourhood Chicago South Works. The urban project proposes a linear strip - a dense piece of land - to accommodate programmatic clusters, wetlands and urban agriculture. The architectural project (thesis) consists of the design of a music theatre.
The project Sounds of Chicago investigates architecture as a fragmented condition experienced through a composition of spatial elements, materials and sounds. By recording the sounds of public and personal life in Chicago the project seeks to research the site-specific conditions of the area, and to articulate the relation between sound, culture and architecture. As a result of the research, the thesis proposes four architectural figures - the Circle, Arcade, Bridge and Wall – that are designed to compose a sound-scape. Each of the spatial characters resembles a part of the music centre and articulates certain use though materiality and composition. While being subject to time, climate and visitors, the architectural figures seek to articulate agency, movement and transition.
Master Thesis
02.2014 - 12.2014 Honourable mention
MSc Delft Univeristy of Technology: Complex Projects
Tutors: K.Kaan, O.Caso and M. van Gemert
Urban plan collaboration: S. Otten, V. Blankenspoor, M.Yang, K. El Meziani.
The project Sounds of Chicago investigates architecture as a fragmented condition experienced through a composition of spatial elements, materials and sounds. By recording the sounds of public and personal life in Chicago the project seeks to research the site-specific conditions of the area, and to articulate the relation between sound, culture and architecture. As a result of the research, the thesis proposes four architectural figures - the Circle, Arcade, Bridge and Wall – that are designed to compose a sound-scape. Each of the spatial characters resembles a part of the music centre and articulates certain use though materiality and composition. While being subject to time, climate and visitors, the architectural figures seek to articulate agency, movement and transition.
Master Thesis
02.2014 - 12.2014 Honourable mention
MSc Delft Univeristy of Technology: Complex Projects
Tutors: K.Kaan, O.Caso and M. van Gemert
Urban plan collaboration: S. Otten, V. Blankenspoor, M.Yang, K. El Meziani.